This Pull-Apart Christmas Tree Cupcake Cake is the best alternative to a traditional Christmas cake. It’s so easy to make that I guarantee you will get great results even if you are new at cake decorating. You can even get your kids to decorate it! I used mini chocolate cupcakes and a simple, 2-ingredient mascarpone […]
Pregnant Belly Cake – Gender Reveal Party
I’m baking something pretty special this time… a bun in the oven :). This is the reason I haven’t been so active on the blog lately. We decided to organize a Gender Reveal Party and since I’ve started regaining some of my energy back I figured this would be the perfect occasion for another cake […]
First Communion Open Book Cake (Chocolate Ganache & Mascarpone Filling)
My cake baking challenge for this weekend was to make a first communion cake for our friends’ sweet little girl. I decided to bake an open book cake with two layers of filling – first layer with chocolate ganache & sour pitted cherries and the second one with a mascarpone cheese filling. It was a […]
Coffee Crepes with Strawberries
Do you enjoy crepes and love coffee? Then you’ll enjoy these coffee crepes with fresh strawberries, whipped cream and mascarpone. Adding some brewed coffee is a wonderful twist on the traditional crepe batter. The coffee adds a rich flavour and the crepes are just yummy! […]
Catalina’s Bachelorette Party
This past weekend hubby and I organized the bachelor & bachelorette parties for our dear friends Catalina and Virgil. They are getting married on May 7th (in Canada… party to be continued in Romania at some future date 🙂 )and we are their godparents. Neither the groom nor the bride-to-be knew anything about what we […]
Bachelorette Party Corset Cake
Here’s the step-by-step recipe for the Corset Cake I made for Catalina’s Bachelorette Party. This cake is DELICIOUS so give it a try even if you want to make just a regular cake. It’s a two-colour sponge cake and the filling and frosting are made with mascarpone cheese and cappuccino. Time: 120 min, Prep: 90 min. […]
Cappuccino and Mascarpone Cheese Frosting
Ingredients: 720 ml chilled whipping cream (3 cups) 2 Tbsp cappuccino (dry powder) 80 g white chocolate, grated 450 g sugar (2 cups) 900 g mascarpone cheese Pink food coloring paste Directions: I got this frosting recipe from here but just used cappuccino instead of espresso powder. Bring 2/3 of the whipping cream to boil in […]
Cappuccino and Mascarpone Cheese Filling
Ingredients: 4 eggs yolks 100 g sugar 4 Tbsp cappuccino (liquid) 1 Tbsp cappuccino (dry powder) 400 ml whipping cream 450 g mascarpone cheese 21 g gelatin Directions: Combine the egg yolks, sugar, cappuccino (liquid & powder) in a bowl over a pot of boiling water. Beat until thick and creamy. Remove from the […]