Here’s the step-by-step recipe for the Corset Cake I made for Catalina’s Bachelorette Party. This cake is DELICIOUS so give it a try even if you want to make just a regular cake. It’s a two-colour sponge cake and the filling and frosting are made with mascarpone cheese and cappuccino.
Time: 120 min, Prep: 90 min. Cook: 30 min + chilling time
Servings: 16-20
For cake:
- 12 eggs
- 12 Tbsp water
- 280 g sugar
- 280 g all-purpose flour
- 4 tsp cocoa
- 4 tsp cappuccino (dry powder)
You also need a 36 x 36 cm (14.5 x 14.5 inch) pan greased with butter and lined with parchment paper.
For filling:
- 4 eggs yolks
- 100 g sugar
- 4 Tbsp cappuccino (liquid)
- 1 Tbsp cappuccino (dry powder)
- 400 ml whipping cream
- 450 g mascarpone cheese
- 21 g gelatin
For frosting:
- 720 ml chilled whipping cream (3 cups)
- 2 Tbsp cappuccino (dry powder)
- 80 g white chocolate, grated
- 450 g sugar (2 cups)
- 900 g mascarpone cheese
- Pink food coloring paste
For syrup to moisten cake:
- I just used cappuccino but if you prefer you can make syrup using 200 ml water, 100 g sugar & 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
Beat egg whites and water with an electric mixer until stiff peaks form. Add sugar and beat until dissolved. Fold in the egg yolks.
Place half of the egg mixture in a separate bowl. Slow down the mixer and carefully blend in half of the flour until just combined.
Combine the remaining flour with cocoa and cappuccino. Then blend in the other half of the egg mixture.
Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Using two piping bags, pour batter into the baking pan in long alternating rows as seen in the picture.
Bake for about 25-30 minutes, or until brown (you can insert a toothpick in the centre and if it comes out clean then it’s ready).
While the cake was baking, I made the filling.
You have to combine the egg yolks, sugar, cappuccino (liquid & powder) in a bowl over a pot of boiling water. Beat until thick and creamy. Remove from the heat and set aside to cool (cover with plastic foil).
Mash the mascarpone cheese in a bowl with a rubber spatula until creamy.
Make the whipped cream but don’t whip for too long, just until it forms soft peaks. Then add the gelatin softened in a few tablespoons of warm (not hot) water. Combine whipped cream with mascarpone cheese and the chilled egg & cappuccino mixture.
I got this frosting recipe from here but just used cappuccino instead of espresso powder.
Bring 2/3 of the whipping cream to boil in small saucepan. Slowly pour cream over cappuccino powder, whisking until dissolved. Add grated white chocolate and stir until smooth. Add remaining whipping cream and sugar and stir until sugar dissolves. Chill until cold, at least 2 hours or overnight (cover before refrigerating).
Add mascarpone to chilled mixture and using an electric mixer beat on low speed until blended and smooth. Increase speed to medium-high; beat until mixture is thick and medium-firm peaks form when beaters are lifted, about 2 minutes (do not overbeat or mixture will curdle).
Assembling the cake:
Place the cake onto your work surface. Let it cool and using a paper template cut a corset shape. Then cut the cake horizontally in two.
Place the first layer on your cake platter and moist it with cappuccino syrup. Using a spatula, evenly cover the top of the first layer with cappuccino filling (save some for the boobs). Place the second layer on top and moist it with cappuccino as well.
I used two small bowls to make the boobs. Line the two bowls with plastic foil. From the remaining cake trimmings cut thin layers. Place a layer of cake, moist it with cappuccino and top with filling. Repeat until you fill each bowl (the top layer should be of cake).
Refrigerate both the corset and the boobs over night.
Spoon 3/4 of the frosting on top of the cake and using a spatula spread it evenly on the top and sides of the cake.
Place the remaining 1/4 of the frosting in a bowl and add pink food coloring.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words I think it’s easier if you just follow the steps as seen below. The only other thing that I think it’s useful to mention is that I used a round tip # 2 to pipe the pink lines and a star tip to make the V-shaped contour and the stars underneath the boobies.
Hey I am so thankful I found this tute! I don’t drink coffee is there a different flavor that would work just as well?
You could leave the cappuccino out, it won’t hurt the recipe. Or if you prefer you can replace the cappuccino powder with cocoa.
Let me know how it turns out 🙂
I want to make a corset cake and I was wondering if I could use cream cheese instead of mascarpone cheese. Also is the gelatin a must?thanks..
Mascarpone is smoother and creamier but you can use cream cheese as well. I’ve also found a mascarpone substitute recipe here that uses cream cheese –
You have to mix together:
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons butter, softened
The gelatin is used to set the filling and make it thicker so you should add it. If you can’t find gelatin or you can’t use it for some other reasons then, just use the frosting mixture for filling as well. For this you don’t need to use gelatin. Just make sure you make more so you have enough to fill and cover your cake.
Hope this helps!
I was wondering where you got the cut out corset and if you made it yourself what template did you use to cut it? Thanks for the tutorial.
I made it myself. I created my own template… just drew the corset shape on a piece of paper and then cut it out. I think I tried to find a corset template online at that time but couldn’t find one either. So even though I’m not good a drawing I had to get creative :). It turned out better than expected so you should really give it a try… it’s not that hard.