Do you want to draft & edit your blog posts at least 20x faster? Try out ChatGPT, the latest chatbot that has taken the internet by storm!
You can use it for blog posts or any content you might need to write – a research paper, an article, your school essay…you name it! It gives you amazing results every time!
I tried it on this Avocado Egg Salad post for my blog and I was blown away!

You can watch this short video to see ChatGPT in action:
I asked the chatbot to act like a content creator for a recipe blog.
I gave it the recipe name and the list of ingredients and asked for a draft blog post to be created… and wow! ChatGPT gave me a recipe in seconds!
Not only that, but it realized that I was missing one of the main ingredients from my list – “the eggs” – and in the description, it mentioned that diced eggs should be added in.
How cool is that?
It does great at answering follow-up questions and editing the text. You want nutritions facts added in? No problem, the chatbot can add those in 2 seconds.
Do you want the text formatted in a specific way? No problem either! After only 3 iterations, ChatGPT wrote and formatted my recipe in a similar way in which I write my blog posts, with a short intro, the ingredients formatted as a list with bullet points and the detailed instructions.
I hope you liked today’s ChatGPT Tip #1 – Drafting & Editing Blog Posts at Least 20x Faster! It’s a little different than my usual posts but I could not not share this with you :). Leave a comment below if you found this useful and stay tuned for more tips!