I miss so much the assorted pickles my dad used to make back home that this year I have decided to try out his recipe. I know it’s a little late in the year but they should be ready in time for the Christmas feast :). I wish I had some green tomatoes (gogonele) to pickle as well but it’s kind of hard to find them in November :D. I hope my assorted pickles turn out as good as my dad’s… I’ll let you know in a few weeks :).
Time: 110 min, Prep: 90 min. Cook: 20 min.
Servings: 7 gallons / 26 liters of pickles
- 2 cabbages, cut into wedges
- 1 red cabbage, cut into wedges (to give the pickles some colour 🙂 )
- 5 cauliflowers, cut into chunks
- 2 kg carrots, peeled
- 12-14 peppers
- 3 celery roots, peeled and cut into wedges
For the marinade:
- 21 l water
- 1.5 kg pickling salt
- 1.5 l white vinegar
- 10 bay leaves
- black peppercorns
I had two 2.5-gallon (9.5l) and two 1- gallon (3.8 l) glass barrel jars.
For the marinade, mix the water, vinegar, pickling salt, bay leaves and pepper. Bring the marinade to a boil. Set aside to cool.
Make sure you use pickling salt not table salt. The table salt will make your brine look dark and cloudy due to the iodine in the salt. Pickling salt is made without iodine.
In the meantime, wash all the vegetables and cut them.
Place the sliced vegetables in jars.
Pour the cooled marinade over the vegetables. Seal jars and keep them for 2 days in a warm place (~20 °C). Then store them in a cool place.
you might have a couple of posts… I can’t seem to get them to post.
Just wanted to thank you again for sharing your family recipe. Assorted Pickles has now become one of my favorites!!! I posted a picture of how mine came out on your FB fan page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200741961936509&set=o.146009102118383&type=1&theater
Roxy… thanks again so much for sharing your family’s recipe for Assorted Pickles. It has become one of my favorites! I shared a pic on your FB fan page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200741961936509&set=o.146009102118383&type=1&theater
Hi Roxy, what a great recipe this turned out to be. Thanks again so much for sharing your family recipe! I has now become one of my favorites. I’ll post a picture on your facebook fan page.
Happy Cooking!
I have a small fall garden in which I only grow enough for myself. (My kids are grown and gone now)
This recipe seemed perfect to use for all the straggler veggies left over from canning but not enough to do much with. I was wondering how long this would last on the shelf. Thanks so much for posting.
If you store them in a cool place they will stay for at least 6 months. I usually make them in September / October and they’re good until spring comes – that’s if we’re not eating them all before that :).
Btw – home-grown veggies are the best, I wish I had a bigger backyard to grow some more.
Let me know how they turn out :).
Hi Roxy,
I’ll most definitely let you know how it comes out! I’ll have to convert the recipe to US measurements (do you know of a good website by any chance?) and I’ll probably change up the veggies slightly when I make it. I don’t grow celery root in my garden here in Texas. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it in mainstream grocery stores in the US, although I wasn’t looking for it. 🙂
I’ll most likely add radishes since I grew plenty this fall. When I do make it, I’ll try to remember to post a pic on your facebook page.
Thanks again Roxy!
Thanks Gammy :).
To make it easier for you 1 liter of water / vinegar is equal to 4 cups and 1.5 kg pickling salt is about 6 cups.
Celery root is somewhat hard to find in the grocery stores in Ontario/Canada as well. But I know where to get it now (usually Chinese stores) and I love using it for soups as well.
Looking forward to seeing the pics of your final result 🙂
p.s. love the Pantry section on your blog as well, so many things you can make at home and store… and so much more delicious than the store-bought ones
Wow Roxy,
Thanks for the measurements. In the past, I’ve sometimes dismissed recipes that looked worth trying, but never found an online measurement translator that was reliable. You ROCK! Now I’m even more excited to try your recipe! It will also give me another recipe to post on my blog and send you praises!! I have your site permanently bookmarked and am sooo enjoying your other recipes. Thanks again so much!
Oh, and I’m thrilled that you enjoyed my “Pantry”. The picture on my blog is actually a link to the Pantry located on my personal website. I’m so glad you found it and I agree, homemade “goodies” are so much better than tasteless store bought food. I raised my children on organic veggies from my gardens. I think they would agree as well.
Happy Holidays to you and your family!