This is my mom’s recipe for Biscuit Chocolate Rolls / Salami or Romanian Salam de Biscuiti. It’s quick to make and there is no cooking involved. You can enrich the recipe by adding anything you like such as raisins, nuts, almonds etc. (I’ve added Turkish delight & coconut flakes). It takes only 15-20 minutes to prepare but the rolls need to be refrigerated for a few hours. I remember as kids, my brother and I could never wait for them to cool properly. Try it once and you’ll be hooked. I guarantee it!
Time: 20 min, Prep: 20 min.
Servings: 2 rolls
- 250 g unsalted butter or margarine, at room temperature
- 500 g biscuits (I used tea biscuits)
- 350-500 g Turkish delight, depending how much you like it
- 2 Tbsp cocoa powder
- 40 ml rum extract (you can also add vanilla)
- 150 g icing sugar
- 50 ml water
- 4 Tbsp coconut flakes
- plastic foil to roll the dessert
Crush the biscuits using a food processor and cut the Turkish delight into small pieces. In a bowl cream the butter or margarine and sugar until light and fluffy, using a wooden spoon or a mixer.
Add cocoa, rum extract, Turkish delight, biscuits and water. Mix to combine all ingredients using a spoon. Then knead with your hands to form a soft dough.
Sprinkle half of the coconut flakes on a rectangular plastic foil (as long as you would like your roll to be). Take half of the biscuit dough and shape it into a roll (like a salami). Slowly roll the plastic foil so that the biscuit roll is covered in coconut flakes. Make the second biscuit roll as well and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Daca folosesc unt in loc de margarina? 😕
Ar trebui sa fie ok, in majoritatea retetelor margarina se poate inlocui cu untul :). Numai sa fie la temepratura camerei ca sa il poti freca bine cu zaharul pudra.
Eu am adăugat şi dulceaţă de vişine la compoziţie. Poţi să încerci! 😀
Idee buna, nu am incercat niciodata 🙂