About Roxy’s Kitchen
Welcome to Roxy’s Kitchen! Here you will find quick and easy recipes, including a great collection of five-ingredient recipes (5licious recipes) for those busy weekdays. You will also find inspiration for themed birthday parties and delicious and creative cakes for your special family events.
The How To’s section of my blog has basic cake recipes, frosting and fillings as well as fondant & icing decorations tutorials with step-by-step photos.
I still have a few (non-cake) recipes that may seem to be a little more complex and will take more time to prepare. I will share these with you because they are our family favourite recipes.
I am a big believer in the old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” so to make it easier for you, all my recipes have step-by-step photos or videos. I hope I will inspire you to make quick and delicious meals for your family and bake creative desserts for your loved ones!
I am not a professional chef but cooking and baking are my passions. My day-to-day job is in the Technology industry. I’m quite passionate about Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML). Product management and building AI-powered products have been part of my day-to-day work for several years. So on top of my recipes, I am sometimes posting tips & tricks on how you can use AI-powered tools to become more efficient when cooking/baking or as a content creator. My passion for technology and AI has also allowed me to launch my online shop with printable cake and cupcake toppers and offer these for free or at a very cheap price on my website:
If you like my recipes and posts please feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. You can also enter your email below to subscribe to email notifications:
A little bit about me
I am a proud wife and mom, an amateur chef at home, obsessed with feeding my family homemade meals & desserts and a food photography enthusiast. I love to cook easy meals with fresh ingredients (five-ingredient recipes are the best!) so that I can spend the extra time baking and decorating crazy cakes!
Although I work in Technology, cooking has been one of my favorite hobbies for close to two decades. I am certainly not an expert but I love to experiment, create my own recipes and test them to perfection! I am also a strong advocate of cooking at home for fun, flavour and a healthy lifestyle.
I grew up in Romania with little exposure to the international cuisine and moved to Toronto, Canada when I was 19 years old. Toronto’s multicultural diversity has definitely made me explore different cuisines throughout the past years so I will share with you our favourite recipes from all over the world. Nonetheless, I still love Romanian food and you will see that influence in some of my recipes.
~ Roxy
Hi Roxy, well done on your very beautiful AI Cake designs, I would like to learn how to do similar myself using mid journey. Are you able to share some of the prompts you used for your designs, What would be helpful is looking at a cross section of ideas showing casing both picture and prompt. I should then be able to put some sense to it and create my own images after a bit of playing around.
Thanks Peter! I’m glad you liked those posts. I can for sure share some more details. The prompts need to include a description of the cake design you want to generate – 1-tier vs. multi-tier, colour of the cake, details you want part of the design. For example, I posted a bunch of cake designs with peonies here – https://roxyskitchen.com/15-elegant-cakes-with-peonies.html
A simple prompt to generate some of those cakes was “a 1-tier tall simple but elegant cake decorated with a peony on top, neutral colors, clean lines” . Now, if you use my exact same prompt, you won’t get the same designs. They are different every time you run the command.
I hope this helps!
Hi Roxy – sorry I’m posting this again – firstly to apologise because I didn’t begin my previous comment with a greeting to you, and secondly because I didn’t intend to put my family name, only Alison. Please could you show only this comment and not the one that shows my whole name? Thank you so much!
Hi Roxy
I’m very happy that I came across your website when I was looking for a recipe for cozonac. I spent a very happy time in Romania for 8 months over 20 years ago and enjoyed the food, particularly sarmale. (I don’t know if that’s spelt correctly, sorry!) Sarmale and ciorba are two recipes that I’d like to be able to make but I don’t know how to get the distinctive flavour. I will enjoy looking at your recipes and trying them out – thank you ? x
sorry iam little speek englis!
it is very nice.
Merry Christmas!
thank you
gyuricilin from Hungary
Thanks George! Merry Christmas to you as well
Hi Roxy,
I am also from Romania, came here when I was 7 (now I’m 30). I am recently getting more and more into recipes that my grandmother cooked and baked. The recipe Salam de Biscuiti is one of them that I can’t wait to make (haven’t had it in 20 years). I am so happy you have it in English (unfortunately I forgot all my romanian, which makes me so sad). Anyhow, I saw some other recipes that call for egg yolks. Is there a difference in taste? Thank you so much for your time. Looking forward to hearing back from you.
All the best,
Hi Moni,
Your message just made my day! I’m so happy when I read stories like yours and I see that my recipes are useful to other people. I too have fond memories of my grandma’s recipes and I wish I had taken the time to write down more of them while she was still around. I hope I can bring many other Romanian dishes back to your table :).
Regarding the recipe for Salam de Biscuiti, I’ve never used egg yolks but if you add one or two I don’t think it’s going to make a big difference in taste or consistency. Some people mix the butter/margarine with sugar and egg yolks (I just use Rama margarine and sugar). Usually the yolks help emulsify the mixture and make it creamier but after you mix it with the biscuits and the other ingredients I don’t think it’s going to make any difference…. the mixture will be more like a dough with a crumbly texture anyways so the creaminess will be all gone.
Hope this helps and you’ll get to enjoy this delicious treat after 20 years! Let me know how the recipe turns out
Hi Roxy,
Thank you so much for your reply back!! I think I’m going to make it without the yolks (better anyhow since it’s not a baked dish and don’t want to worry about the raw egg yolk potential issue). I am going to make this on Sunday and will absolutely post on how it turns out. A week from today (8/13) would have been my grandmothers 82nd birthday so I am going to make a couple things in her honor with my daughter (she is 4 and loves to help).
Thanks again!
Appreciation beyond words,
That’s so nice of you, I’m sure all recipes will turn out great! Your grandma would have been so proud of you.
Your daughter reminds me of myself when I was a kid. I used to help my mother all the time in the kitchen to make cookies, knead dough for my own little bread that would end up so hard you could break your teeth eating : ))). Fun moments and happy times :)!
Looking forward to hear how everything turned out!
All the best,
Hello Roxy,
My name is Anca Dragan I love your Website very very nice and everything you make looks incredible
I wanted to ask a huge favor my mom invented this amazing new Double Boiler that you attach it to the free standing mixer and she is trying to raise money to manufacture it and bring to market. She needs some help people need to see it and the only way is if she can be on a blog or website where people get to see it.
Please let me know if its possible I know its a lot to ask.
Multumesc din Inima!!!!
This is the web
Thanks Anca, glad to hear you like my blog! Your mom’s double boiler looks like a great invention, it would definitely be very useful in the kitchen for anyone. I’ll be more than happy to help, will send you more details over the email.
Good luck raising the money!
Hi Roxy,
I love that your recipes are so easy to follow and never fail!!! The day he walked in and saw Amandine in the kitchen, I thought he was going to pass out (not even his mom makes it!) So, thanks again – keep up the great work and any suggestions for a special Valentine’s dish/dessert would be most welcome. Multumesc!!!
I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful my husband is that I found your website!! He’s ony been here in Canada for 5 years and really appreciates coming home to “real” food
Aww…thanks so much for your kind words (blushing). I love to see that my recipes make people happy :).
For Valentine’s day you can make a heart-shaped cake. You just need a heart-shaped pan and you can use any cake recipe you like. Some suggestions from my blog
Easy to make – Strawberry Creme Fraiche Cheesecake https://roxyskitchen.com/strawberry-creme-fraiche-cheesecake.html
Takes more time but delicious – Chocolate Strawberry Cake – https://roxyskitchen.com/chocolate-strawberry-cake.html .
Or another easy idea is to make chocolate-covered strawberries.
Chocolate loves strawberries and we love both, especially on Valentine’s day
Let me know if you decide to make any of them and take a picture of the final result. It would be great to see it :). You can post it on my Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/roxyskitchen
Foarte dragut blogul tau! Felicitari!
Buna Roxy,
Iata si rezultatul final:
Tortul diplomat a iesit nemaipomenit de gustos, a fost bataie pe el. Aici e si vina mea, caci de teama ca nu imi iese, l-am facut doar din 4 oua ( si nu le-a ajuns nici pe o masea) si am pus gelatina ca pt. 8 oua. Ce mai, a iesit beton si la propriu si la figurat. Nu l-am imbracat in piscoturi deoarece nu am gasit in ziua cind am cumparat toate celelalte ingrdiente dar nu s-a suparat nimeni…
Le-am dat si parintilor site-ul tau si au fost foarte incintati ca pot continua si acasa sa isi hraneasca copilasii cu mincarea care o maninca ei in daycare, pe care se pare ca o maninca cu mai multa placere decit pe-a lor.
Multumesc pentru urari, a fost foarte frumos la ceremonia de graduare si ffff emotionant.
Merci ca mi-ai aratat poza cu tortul…. a iesit fain. Si chiar daca nu ai avut piscoturi nu-i bai, oricum crema cu fructe face totul
Buna Roxy,
In 2 saptamini baiatul meu are ceremonia de graduare de la facultate si m-am gindit sa ii fac un tort diplomat, ca la mama acasa, asa cum am avut eu la majorat. Cautind pe Google, mi-a aparut site-ul tau. Am ramas woooooooow, vazind ca e plin de retete delicioase romanesti in limba engleza. Si noi locuim tot in Torobnto de 8 ani si am home daycare si gatesc la greu mincare romaneasca pt cei 5 bebei ai mei si tare greu mi-a fost sa le spun parintilor cum se cheama mincarurile ce le gatesc si sa le mai dau si retetele la ele. Acuma cosmarul meu a luat sfirsit. Datorita tie, vor putea si ei sa isi gateasca cu usurinta mincare romaneasca. Multumesc mult ca mi-ai iesit in cale. Spor la treaba in continuare adaugind noi retete romanesti si din toata lumea. Felicitari pt site, e nemaipomenit!
Iti multumesc pentru mesaj Daniela! Ma bucur ca ti-a placut site-ul si ca retetele in engleza iti sunt de folos. Astept sa revii si sa-mi povestesti cum le-au reusit parintilor experimentele cu retetele romanesti :). Felicitari baiatului tau pentru absolvire (am trecut si eu prin momentele astea anul trecut)… sunt convinsa ca o sa-ti iasa tortul diplomat de minune si ca o sa aiba mare succes
ti am gasit site-ul cautand retete romanesti in limba engleza; recunosc, e cel mai bun si cel mai divers si l-am recomandat colegelor de la munca :); sper sa nu te opresti aici si sa mai adaugi retete din toata lumea
numai bine!
Buna Monica,
Multumesc mult de aprecieri. Sunt doar la inceput de drum cu blogul si cu siguranta o sa adaug multeee retete in continuare :). Ma bucur ca ti-au placut retetele si va urez spor la gatit, tie si colegelor :).